Friday, August 21, 2009

First Day of School

The summer finally came to an end with a brand new baby! It was a little crazy getting everything ready for school to start but we did it. Well I did it. Here is what Eric was doing while I was getting the kids ready...

Oh well, I guess I forgive him. ;) but here is how the rest of the morning went...

Breakfast consisted of egos, pre-cooked saugages, and toast.

Only the best for the Larsen bunch.

We then had a "photo shoot" in the front yard to display our fancy new clothes.

lindsay looking amazing...

Anna posing for the camera..

Even Autumn got a picture in her cute jammies.

Oh how I love my woonnndeerrfuullll children. :)


  1. Beckie - You crack me up! Way to go on starting a blog!

  2. Thanks, Eric is going to mad at me when he see's that picture. but hey, the truth hurts.

  3. Way to go new mommy! You've got the world on a string! Looks like you are doing it all! Something about getting the kids out of the house that makes you super mom. Take it easy though--they will expect it everyday. I love you guys!! Seems like just yesterday I was taking pictures on the first day of school!Glad you are in the blogging world. I tried to change something on my blog and lost all my contacts.

  4. Beckie! I was laughing so hard when I saw that first picture of Eric! LOVE IT! You are seriously amazing! I feed that breakfast to my kids only on good days! You are an awesome mom and it shows on their faces! They are beautiful! I can't believe all that you do! I'm so glad I got to see baby lilly. I miss her already and she is very special. I swear I saw her coming in that meteor shower to you! That's why you went so fast! Love and miss you guys!
    Love lezlee

  5. What a wonderful blog you have. I wonder what amazing technologic wiz help you put this together. oh yeah, that was me. :) haha et me know if i can ever help you out with anything! love you! Ashleykate
